Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 8- Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation- Wenix Red Elk

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation- First Foods Management- Department of Natural Resources

Representative of all 180 workers- Wenix- (echoing from mountain canyon) Red Elk 

Wenix Red Elk preparing her presentation for us

Mission Statement

"To protect, restore, and enhance the first foods- water, salmon, deer, cous, and huckleberry- for the perpetual cultural, economic, and sovereign benefit of the CTUIR. We will accomplish this utilizing traditional ecological and cultural knowledge and science to inform: 1) population and habitat management goals and actions; and 2) natural resource policies and regulatory mechanisms"


Meacham Creek (current project site)

*Big Thanks to: Wildlife Research Biologist Project Leader- Bruce Johnson! For helping transport some of us (Ari, Brandi, Morelia, and Myself) to the area Wenix was originally going to bring us, until we got 5 flat/blown out tires. We learned a lot from you! Thanks for letting us pick a part your brain by asking you a lot of questions in the short amount of time we had with you! You provided us with lots of useful information, and transportation! ^-^

After all the craziness of 5! I repeat: 5! flat/blown out tires, we got to walk along Meacham Creek, which is extremely beautiful. It was a good walk!, and a very nice view! Thank You Wenix for taking all of us out to the site to let us see and hear from you about whats currently going on! 

further view

closer view

Nice walk to and from the site, 

Wenix brought us to.

Say Cheese! Haha Haver!- the only 

one ready for the picture!

Wenix speaking of the 

site/ answering questions

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